
Violet extract

Violet extract
Impact on skin: helps the fastest restoration of skin after harmful external effects and consequences of a stress. Extract of a violet protects skin, makes it more elastic and gives it healthy color. The violet possesses the anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, softening and healing action.

Rose flower extract

Rose flower extract
Impact on skin: rejuvenation and regeneration of cells of skin. Moisturizes the skin, gives it smoothness and velvet.

Magnolia extract

Magnolia extract
Impact on skin: preserves skin against negative impact of UV rays, calms and restores and also actively participates in skin regeneration process, helping to synthesize collagen and elastin.

Ginseng extract

Ginseng extract
Impact on skin: Nourishes and moistens skin, interferes with her dehydration of skin. Ginseng extract has the regenerating properties, stimulates renewal of cells of skin. Raises a tone of skin and stimulates microblood circulation.
Impact on hair:
strengthens hair, tones up and refreshes. Returns to hair force and natural gloss, stimulates growth of hair and interferes with their loss.

Moringa extract

Moringa extract
Impact on hair: ideally moisturizes head skin and hair, strengthens hair follicles, has a lot of of vitamins C, E and biotin.

Ginger extract

Ginger extract

Impact on hair: stimulates growth of hair, strengthens and restores hair, curls take a healthy well-groomed form.

Orchid extract

Orchid extract
Impact on hair: gives to hair elasticity, softness and gloss.

Blueberry extract

Blueberry extract
Impact on hair: deeply moistens hair and strengthen them on all length.

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